HMP Software Reports

Computer Weekly 50th anniversary special
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: It's been 50 years since Computer Weekly's launch on 22 September 1966. To mark this achievement, we have compiled a special edition of the magazine to reflect on how much the British technology industry has contributed over that time.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 22 Sep 2016


Unified Communications: the key to prospering in the new working reality of Covid-19
sponsored by TechTarget
EGUIDE: The coronavirus is changing everything about how people work, and will do so permanently. It added that even though the working world was experiencing unprecedented uncertainty, there were two things that should be borne in mind: the virus will pass, and at the other side of the pandemic, the world of work will look very different.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 04 May 2020


Computer Weekly – 17 October 2017: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella on empathy and innovation
sponsored by TechTarget
EBOOK: In this week's Computer Weekly, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella explains why he has made empathy a key part of technology innovation. We examine the latest news in the ongoing debate over the tax status of IT contractors in the public sector. And we ask if an emphasis on creativity will help attract more young people to work in IT. Read the issue now.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 13 Oct 2017


Getting the best out of robotic process automation
sponsored by TechTarget
EGUIDE: IT leaders are used to doing more with less, but the pandemic has forced many organisations to reassess whether the way processes have always been run, is optimal. With people having to work from home, many organisations have needed to automate previous manual tasks, in order to remain operational.
Posted: 15 Mar 2021 | Published: 19 Feb 2021


Computer Weekly - 3 August 2021: The fears and benefits of virtualising reality
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: In this week's Computer Weekly, we examine the mingling of virtual and physical worlds and find positive applications and worrisome implications from augmented reality. We find out how to run a virtual hackathon during the pandemic – pizza still included. And we look at how to improve performance of your private cloud. Read the issue now.
Posted: 01 Aug 2021 | Published: 03 Aug 2021


Next stage of virtualisation: Containers
sponsored by TechTarget
EGUIDE: The buzz and hype surrounding container technologies has reached fever pitch in recent years, prompting CIOs and IT decision makers to mull over what role, if any, they should and could play in their digital transformation plans.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 03 Apr 2017


MicroScope – July 2020: MSPs lend a helping hand
sponsored by MicroScope
EZINE: In this issue, read about how the Covid-19 pandemic has allowed for managed services players to show their worth, and discover how the use of collaborative tools has made businesses consider how to make conference calls more engaging
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 03 Jul 2020


Computer Weekly – 7 November 2017: The ethics of software development
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: Take a look at this edition of ComputerWeekly to learn more Uber, Volkswagen, and other companies that have experience with software ethics issues, how they've dealt with them, and what the consequences have been.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 03 Nov 2017


A Computer Weekly buyer's guide to developer experience
sponsored by TechTarget
EGUIDE: The better the working conditions of a software developer, the better the results. In this 15-page buyer’s guide, Computer Weekly looks at how to improve productivity, the tools required to build success and the value of in-house expertise.
Posted: 12 Sep 2023 | Published: 12 Sep 2023


Marketing software moves closer to centre of the CIO’s vision
sponsored by TechTarget
EGUIDE: In this e-guide: Software for marketing, from content marketing through customer experience management to marketing automation, and the rest, has not been as central to the vision of CIOs as ERP and the full panoply of IT infrastructure: storage, security, networking, data centres, and all of the above delivered by way of the cloud.
Posted: 06 Aug 2021 | Published: 06 Aug 2021
